What is Shingon sect?

Shingon Buddhism was founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai (774-835).
The teachings are required to awaken the "Busshin" that we originally have in ourselves to become a Buddha in the present moment. It is a way of life that looks deeply into oneself and “with a heart like a Buddha,” “speak like a Buddha,” and “act like a Buddha.”
Based on this teaching, people will improve together, and the ideal world, Mitsugonbukkokudo, will be realized.

Shingon Buddhism Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Glossy ebony made in kyoto

Shingon Buddhism Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Glossy ebony made in kyoto Size: 108 balls about 60 cm material A big ball: Indian jade (approximately 14 millim…

Beginning of Shingon Buddhism

Kukai brought Esoteric Buddhism back from Tang during the Heian period and founded the Shingon sect. He teaches that ``you can become a Buddha and attain enlightenment in this body.''
The head temple is Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple in Wakayama Prefecture. The Shingon sect is subdivided into 16 sects. In addition, there are 18 head mountains, which are called "Shingon Juhachi Honzan". The pilgrimage to the sacred sites where Kukai trained is called "Shikoku 88 Temples".

Shingon Buddhism Buddhist Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Striped ebony tiger eye stone made in kyoto

Shingon Buddhism Buddhist Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Striped ebony tiger eye stone made in kyoto Number of beads: 108 main beads Bead material: Striped ebon…

History of Shingon Buddhism

Kukai, who studied in Tang during the Heian period, studied esoteric Buddhism under Keika, who became his master. There are two lines of esoteric Buddhism that originated in India, the Dainichi Sutra and the Vajra Sutra.
Kukai, who brought esoteric Buddhism back to Japan, established the Shingon sect, which was assembled as a system of thought. He traveled around the country, spreading his teachings from his bases at Mt. Koya and Toji Temple in Kyoto Prefecture.

Doctrine of Shingon Buddhism

At the heart of the doctrine is the idea of ``sokushin seibutsu''. Sokushin Jobutsu means to attain enlightenment and become a Buddha in the present body.
The ultimate goal is to become a Buddha by practicing three esoteric Buddhism practices related to the body, language, and mind, and keeping a pure mind.

What are prayer beads for Shingon sect?

In Shingon Buddhism, which emphasizes the meaning of prayer beads, the number 108 represents the 108 gods of the Kongo world, the Oyadama prayer beads represent the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai, and the four heavens represent the four directions and four Buddhas of the mandala representing the universe. This is the interpretation.

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