Explains the points when choosing the size of tatami mat RUSH rug carpet

You are thinking of installing a tatami mat rug carpet, but many of you may not know what size and how many you need.
So, this time, I will explain how to choose the size when installing the tatami mat rug carpet at home.
By choosing the right size tatami mat rug carpet, you can easily create a comfortable Japanese-style room

What is the standard and size of tatami mat rug carpet?

The main size of the tatami mat that can be placed is half the size of tatami mats.
It is approximately square and is generally 82x82 cm(about32×32inch) in size.
Some of them have a rectangular standard and size.
tatami RUSH rug carpets come in a variety of sizes.
For example, 88 x 176 cm / 176 x 176 cm, more, etc.
There are various sizes depending on the design and material of tatami RUSH rug carpet.
There are various types, from traditional Japanese designs to fusion designs of Japanese and modern styles.
You will surely find your favorite design and type of tatami mat RUSH rug carpet.

Thickness of tatami RUSH mat

The tatami mat that can be placed is thinner than the tatami mats in Japanese-style rooms.
While the tatami mats in a typical Japanese-style room are 55 to 60 mm, the mainstream type of tatami mat is 10 to 15 mm. Because it is thin, it is light and easy to carry, and it has the advantages of a small storage space.
There are various types of tatami RUSH rug carpets, from thin type to plump type tatami RUSH rug carpet with non-slip backing.

Size of tatami mat and number of installations

The square type tatami mat is basically 82 x 82 cm in size, but the size may vary depending on the design, color, material, etc.
Let's check the size details of tatami mat and the number of installed sheets.

in Japan! You should be careful.
Actually, the standard of "tatami mat size" varies depending on the region.
Below is the size of a tatami mat defined by region or location.

◎ General tatami mat size list
Name Place of use The size of a tatami mat
Between housing complexes ・ Apartment room 85 × 170cm
Edo-ma ・ 87 × 174 cm used in eastern Japan such as Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido
87 x 176 cm
Sanrokuken ・ 91 × 182cm used in Okinawa, part of the Chukyo region, Tohoku and Hokuriku regions
Homma ・ 95 × 191 cm used in western Japan such as Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu

  • Because this is a general size example, be sure to check the item size notation when buying a tatami mat rug carpet.

Pay attention to the size of the room when choosing.
When deciding the number of tatami mats to be installed, be sure to measure the room, calculate the number so that the tatami mat fits, and purchase it.

tatami mat Key points when choosing the size of the rug carpet
We would like to introduce three points.

・ Check the size (cm) of each tatami mat rug carpet.
There are various sizes depending on the design and material.
-Check the size of the tatami mat rug carpet you need in cm.
・ Tatami mat The thickness of the rug carpet matches the family structure, purpose, and usage.

If you convert the size back to cm, the size will not be wrong.
Then, calculate the number of square meters at home and the length of each side of the tatami mat rug carpet, and consider checking the number and size of the tatami mat rug carpet.

tatami mat The number of rug carpets should be ordered after measuring the size of the room!
The size of tatami mat rug carpets is generally 82 x 82 cm, but some are larger and vice versa.
tatami mat There is a risk that the rug carpet will shift, so choose one with a stopper or non-woven fabric on the back.

tatami mat The thickness of the rug carpet matches the family structure and purpose
The mainstream thickness of tatami mat rug carpets is 15 mm, but some are thicker and some are thinner.
The thin tatami mat rug carpet is light and convenient to carry and store, but it has a slightly lower cushioning and may feel stiff.
If you want softness, you need to choose something that is thick to some extent.
However, be aware that thick tatami mat rug carpets can easily trip over and may not be suitable for families with children or the elderly.

Two things to keep in mind when choosing the size of tatami mat rug carpet
Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the size of tatami mat rug carpets. There are two points to note.
・ Unify the design of tatami mats
・ Be sure to measure the size of the room

tatami mat Unify the design of rug carpet
When purchasing tatami mat rug carpets, be sure to match the design and color.
Depending on the design, the color and size of the tatami mat rug carpet will vary.
Even if they look the same size, they may be slightly different. Similarly, the colors may be slightly different.

Be sure to measure the size of the room
When deciding the number of tatami mat rug carpets to be installed, it is essential to measure the room.
At that time, let's measure multiple points.
Because most rooms are distorted. By measuring multiple rooms and selecting the size of the tatami mat rug carpet according to the shortest location, you can prevent troubles such as the tatami mat rug carpet sticking out of the room.

Check the size of your room and tatami mat.
The size of tatami mat is fixed. Make sure to check the tatami mat size and the size you need before making a purchase.
tatami mat You can easily create a comfortable Japanese-style room just by laying a rug carpet.

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takashi inoue