Kotatsu Futon comforter
New Arrival Kotatsu Futon Comforter

We recommend the Japanese Kotatsu Futon Comforter as a heating item during cold weather or in cold areas.Kotatsu Futon Comforter warms from the feet up, which not only improves sensitivity to cold, but also helps to improve various symptoms such as swelling, stiff shoulders, and constipation.There are also various types, including thick and thin types, designs and shapes, so choose the one that best suits your room. Kotatsu Futon Comforter Blanket Manafis Made in Japan Free ShippingKotatsu Futon Comforter Blanket Manafis Made in JapanSize: approx.200x200cm / approx.200x250cm / approx.200x290cmColor:Orange / YellowPlace of Origin:Made in Japan Kotatsu futon comforter Asanoha Futon Comforter Free ShippingSize: about 205×205cm/about 205×245cm/about 205×285cmColor: Navy/Deep Red Kotatsu […]

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Noren Tapestry
Noren Tapestry Features Masterpieces by Japanese Genius Ito Jakuchu

“Ito Jakuchu”6th year of Shotoku (1716) -12th year of Kansei (1800) After learning from the Kano school painter Ooka Shunsuke, he abandoned the painting method andAmong the Song dynasty paintings (Chinese paintings), I copied a colorful bird-and-flower painting.Furthermore, Jakuchu, who abandoned this painting method and shifted to real life photography, I copied a work of beautiful colors and flower painting.Furthermore, Jakuchu, who abandoned this painting method and shifted to real life photography, drew a work of beautiful colors and detailed depiction.However, in reality, it is hard to say that it is a sketch, and the colors and forms captured by Jakuchu's unique sensation are developed throughout the work. Characteristics of […]

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Tatami mat
New Arrival Tatami Igusa yoga mat Tatami mat

A tatami yoga mat is recommended by yoga instructors. The scent of igusa offers an excellent relaxing effect.Made with domestically produced igusa, each strand is thick with a thick outer layer and finely detailed fibers, providing elasticity and excellent durability.The back is made of TPE rubber, which is used for yoga mats, making it slip-resistant and cushioned.Tatami Igusa has deodorizing and humidity-regulating effects, so it doesn’t retain the smell of sweat and feels dry to the touch without stickiness. It also has the added benefit of being antibacterial and deodorizing.This yoga mat is slightly larger in width and length than standard yoga mats, making it easy to move around freely […]

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Noren Tapestry
Incorporating the works of Maruyama Okyo into Noren tapestries

The works of Maruyama Okyo, a charismatic painter who is the pride of Japan, are incorporated into traditional Noren tapestries.By decorating your home, the Noren Tapestry will of course function as a sunshade, dust shield, and blindfold, but the presence of Maruyama Okyo's work will also create a modern Japanese art space. Who is Maruyama Okyo?Kyoho 18 (1733) - Kansei 7 (1795)Maruyama Okyo is a charismatic Japanese painter. He is also known as the “founder of Japanese sketch painting.Many of his works are characterized by the fact that he did not paint what he saw, but reconstructed them based on his sketches. Maruyama Okyo also studied the Western method of […]

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Was ist Shigaraki-WareTanuki-Marderhund in Präfektur Shiga?

"Shigaraki wareTanuki Marderhund" ist berühmt als Glücksbringer.Es wird auch als Geschenk für die Eröffnung eines Geschäfts oder einen Umzug empfohlen, da es sich um einen Gegenstand handelt, der Glück bringt, wie z. B. ein florierendes Geschäft, Glück und mehr finanzielles Glück.Über die Waschbärfigur Shigaraki wareHaben Sie jemals in einem Geschäft, Restaurant oder am Eingang Ihres Hauses in Japan eine Shigaraki-Ware gesehen, die einen Hut trägt, einen dicken Bauch und große Augen hat?Diese Puppe ist berühmt als "Shigaraki wareTanuki Marderhund", und Sie werden sie höchstwahrscheinlich vor allem in der Präfektur Shiga sehen.Wir werden Ihnen auch über Why there are so many Shigaraki wareTanuki raccoon dog dolls in Shiga,'' thedie Geschichte des […]

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What is Shigaraki wareTanuki raccoon dog in Shiga Prefecture?

"Shigaraki wareTanuki raccoon dog" is famous as a lucky charm.It is also recommended as a gift for opening a store or moving house, as it is an item that brings good luck, such as prosperous business, good fortune, and increased financial luck.About the Shigaraki ware raccoon figurineHave you ever seen a Shigaraki wareTanuki raccoon dog doll wearing a hat, with a big belly, and big eyes, at a store, restaurant, or at the entrance of your home in Japan?This doll is famous as the "Shigaraki wareTanuki raccoon dog", and you will most likely see it especially in Shiga Prefecture.We will also tell you about Why there are so many Shigaraki […]

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Arten von Kamidana Shinto-Altar und wie man einen Amulettteller auswählt

Es gibt so viele Arten von Kamidana-Shinto-Altaren. Viele Menschen sind vielleicht ratlos, welche sie wählen sollen.Hier sind einige Tipps, wie Sie den richtigen Altar für Ihren ersten Kamidana Shinto-Altar auswählen können. Etwa so groß wie der Kamidana Shinto-Altar Stellen Sie zunächst sicher, dass der von Ihnen gewählte Kamidana Shinto-Altar groß genug ist, um in Ihren Installationsraum zu passen.Prüfen Sie auch, ob der Kamidana-Shinto-Altar der Typ ist, der die Amulettplatte im Inneren hält, oder der Typ, der in den Altar gelegt werden kann. Das Design des Kamidana-Shinto-Altars Der Kamidana Shinto-Altar gibt es in einer Vielzahl von Formen und Designs.・Ein eingedeckter Kamidana-Shinto-Altar mit einer Tür・Ein vollwertiger Kamidana-Shinto-Altar mit drei Dächern・Der Kamidana Shinto-Altar […]

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Types of Kamidana Shinto altar and how to choose and amulet plate

There are so many types of Kamidana Shinto altar. Many people may be at a loss as to which one to choose.Here are some tips on how to choose the right one for your first Kamidana Shinto altar. About the size of the Kamidana Shinto altar First, make sure that the Kamidana Shinto altar you choose is large enough to fit in your installation space.Also, check whether the Kamidana Shinto altar is the type that holds the amulet plate inside or the type that can be placed inside the altar. The design of the Kamidana Shinto altar Kamidana Shinto altar comes in a variety of shapes and designs.・A one-roofed Kamidana […]

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New Arrival Mino Ware Whale Design Tableware

Whale Design tableware has a very large impact of a whale swimming majestically in the sea.Each tableware uses celadon glaze to further accentuate the blue color and a water-repellent finish to create the three-dimensional effect of the waves.The contrast between the rust-wrapped brown of the high pedestal and the indigo of the waves tightens the design, and other details have been carefully considered in this tableware. Minoyaki tableware.Mino ware is a traditional Japanese craft.And "Mino ware" is the generic name for ceramics produced in the Tono region in southern Gifu Prefecture.

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Winter Sale & New Year's Sale

Winter Sale & New Year's SaleDec 26th - Jan 3rdCoupon code: TOKYOSALE15% OFF all items listed price*Excludes sale price items. New Year HolidaysDec 29, 2023 to Jan 4, 2024 for New YearTokyo Stroe New Year Holiday.About shippingDepending on the date of your order,your order will be shipped after January 5th.

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