Winter Sale & New Year's Sale

Winter Sale & New Year's SaleDec 26th - Jan 3rdCoupon code: TOKYOSALE15% OFF all items listed price*Excludes sale price items. New Year HolidaysDec 29, 2023 to Jan 4, 2024 for New YearTokyo Stroe New Year Holiday.About shippingDepending on the date of your order,your order will be shipped after January 5th.

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Tatami mat Japanese modern design Kurume weave 6 fold type

A Tatami mattress that combines Kukurume weaving, a traditional craft from the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture, and Tatami's material "Rush Grass".[Relax slowly]Tatami Rush Nap mattress with Kurume weave fabric for the outer frame. Easy to use with bright colors that allow you to easily incorporate good old Japanese traditional culture into the modern age.With Tatami's skilled craftsmanship and rustic, gentle texture, it's perfect for a nap during your break. Contents1 What is Kurume weaving?2 Tatami mattress 6 fold type3 Discerning Tatami Rush Grass weaving method4 Tatami mattress No washing required5 Tatami Rush Grass from Kyushu Japan6 Aomori Hiba processing on Tatami7 Tatami Rush Grass cleans the air and regulates […]

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What is the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism?

Kobo Daishi Kukai (774-835) is the founder. Kukai traveled to Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, received esoteric Buddhism from Eka Ajari at Seiryu-ji Temple, and after receiving many secret teachings, returned to Japan and founded the Shingon sect.He was given an important position by Emperor Saga, and was given the Toji Temple in Kyoto, and Koyasan, and founded Kongobu-ji Temple.The head temple is Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple. The principal image is Dainichi Nyorai, the body of the universe and the absolute truth.It teaches that if you practice the true words of Dainichi Nyorai with your body, mouth, and mind (three secret practices), you will attain Buddhahood in your own body. Until […]

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What is the Tendai sect of Japanese Buddhism?

In 805, Dengyo Daishi Saicho (767-822) returned from Tang and opened Enryakuji Temple on Mt.Although it is based on the Lotus Sutra, it was established by combining the four sects of En, Mitsu, Zen, and Kai into one. Centering on the Lotus Sutra, it teaches that "everyone has the cause (Buddha nature) to become a Buddha, and if one is in touch with one's destinies and makes an effort, one can attain Buddhahood." From the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period, many sects leading to the present day such as the Jodo sect, the Jodo Shin sect, the Yuzu Nenbutsu sect, the Rinzai sect, the Soto sect, […]

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Let's enjoy green tea more authentically

You need to select your favorite Kyusu Japanese teapot.In order to brew delicious green tea, the green tea leaves, hot water, and brewing method are very important.However, these are not the only factors that determine the taste of green tea. Did you know that the Kyusu Japanese teapot can make a big difference in the taste of green tea?With the same green tea leaves and the same brewing method, you will understand when you drink green tea from different Kyusu Japanese teapots. Contents1 The role of the Kyusu Japanese teapot1.1 About the material of the Kyusu Japanese teapot1.2 About the porcelain Kyusu Japanese teapot2 Let's choose and grow a Kyusu […]

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Let's live with colorful Tatami rugs

Tatami rug made in Japan made from Tatami Rush, which has been loved in Japan for a long time. Contents1 Colorful Tatami rug design2 Tatami rug has a back surface that does not damage the flooring.3 Natural functionality of Tatami Rush4 Japanese Tatami Rush is durable5 The Tatami rug is sprayed with Hiba tree oil from Aomori Prefecture6 Tatami Rush characteristics Colorful Tatami rug design This is a Tatami rug made in Japan with a modern Japanese colorful design that is different from the image of traditional Japanese Tatami rug design. Tatami rug has a back surface that does not damage the flooring. Tatami rugs are backed with non-woven fabric. […]

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What is the Rinzai sect of Buddhism?

Contents1 The beginning of the Rinzai sect2 Teachings of the Rinzai sect and their characteristics3 Words chanted by Buddhist monks4 Major temples of the current Rinzai sect The beginning of the Rinzai sect It is one of the five schools of Zen Buddhism in China, and its founder is Rinzai Gigen in the Tang Dynasty.Introduced to Japan by Eisai in the 1100-1200s, it is counted as one of the Kamakura new Buddhism along with the Soto sect, Jodo sect, Jodo Shin sect, Ji sect, and Hokke sect.In 1195, Eisai, who came to the Song dynasty and received the seal of the Koryu school of the Rinzai sect, built Japan's first […]

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What is the Tendai sect of Buddhism?

A sect of Buddhism founded by Tendaidaishi Chigi in Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province, China during the Sui dynasty. Around 800 AD, Saicho brought it back from Tang and spread it to Japan. Contents1 Tendai sect spread in Japan by Saicho2 Teachings of the Tendai sect and their characteristics3 Words chanted by Buddhist monks4 Major temples of the Tendai sect and the present Tendai sect spread in Japan by Saicho It is like a university in the Buddhist world that encompasses various teachings.At first, it was a new Buddhism that was introduced to separate politics from ancient Buddhism, but the teaching that anyone can become a Buddha has permeated the people, […]

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What is Nichiren sect?

The Nichiren sect is a sect of Buddhism founded by Nichiren in the Kamakura period, and its head temple is Kuonji Temple on Mount Minobu in Yamanashi Prefecture. There are about 5,300 temples all over Japan. With the Lotus Sutra as the fundamental sutra, the merits of the Lotus Sutra are said to be summarized in the slogan 'Namu-myoho-renge-kyo'. For this reason, we place great importance on chanting daimoku. What about Nichiren Buddhist prayer beads? The shape of commonly used Nichiren sect prayer beads is a double type consisting of 108 Omodama (main prayer beads).It features a unique shape with three tassels.It is used to count the numbers when chanting […]

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Walnut Juzu Prayer beads or Whiskey Wood Juzu Prayer beads TokyoStore News Vol.3

These are Prayer beads handmade one by one by Prayer beads craftsmen in Kyoto.Walnut Juzu Prayer beads and whiskey wood Juzu Prayer beads are rare materials. Contents1 Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Walnut blue tiger eye stone1.1 What is Walnut?1.2 Power of Blue tiger eye stone2 Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Whiskey Wood Brown crystal2.1 What is Whiskey Wood ?2.2 Power of Brown crystal Rosary Mala Juzu Prayer beads Walnut blue tiger eye stone Material of Prayer beadsWalnut 22 Prayer beadsMain Juzu Ball…Walnut (13mm)Big Juzu Ball…Blue tiger eye stone (16mm)Small Juzu Ball…Blue tiger eye stone (10mm)Tassel material: Pure silk head with tassel (iron dark blue)*The beads are in a paulownia […]

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